Volume 1, Issue 9

On a Personal Note

"So what are you Christmas plans?  Can you spend Christmas Eve with us,"  my sister asked.  "I need to know quick."
"Umm, I don't know.  I haven't thought that far down the road yet.  Let me check and get back with you. Okay," I replied.
"Okay," she replied, her voice heavy with disappointment.
Oh dear, it's that time of the year again.
A million things to add to our already over crowded lives. 
I love Christmas lights,  beautifully decorated trees, carriage rides with hot cocoa, and spending time with family and friends.
But, it can and does get hectic fast. 
The challenge is getting everything done without pulling out your hair.
Let's look at how you might simplify your holiday plans this year, so that you can relax and focus on enjoying the things that matter most.
Merry Christmas!


The Holiday Stress Clause 

Christmas Stress   

Minimizing Stress in Your Holidays

Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store.  Maybe Christmas... perhaps... means a little bit more.   ~ Dr. Seuss


There is work stress, home stress, life stress, road stress, and traveling stress. 

But then there is HOLIDAY STRESS which somehow incorporates any and all stress.

How do you manage all the demands on you during the holidays? 

From decorating, not just inside but outside as well, to shopping and wrapping the gifts, holiday meals, and gatherings with family and friends… in addition to all the things that must be completed at work as the end of the year quickly approaches. 

Who has time for the HOLIDAYS?

And yet, for most, skipping the holidays all together is not an option.

So how do you manage everything and enjoy this time of year?
Let’s start by creating your list of everything you want to happen and experience during the holidays.

Don’t hold back.  Pretend you have a magic wand that erases all limitations.  Great. 

OK, now that we have that out of the way, let's determine what is really feasible and within your priorities.

The reality is that you have limits.  I have limits.  We all have limits, so no shame or guilt in limitations. 

Looking at your list what are the absolute musts that fit within your current circumstances? 

And what can be skipped this year?

Be honest.  

Maybe there just isn’t enough time to go all out in the decorations, let alone decorate the yard as well.

Think outside the box.

Maybe you can hire a service to put up the lights outside, if finances permit.  If not, can you be OK without the lights this year?

Can you allow the holidays to be SIMPLE, but elegant?

Can you allow yourself to just focus on the things that matter the most?

You know, like enjoying time with family and friends. 

Laugh much.  Laugh hardily.

Give simple, but meaningful gifts. 

These gifts could be “gift certificates” with promises of time to be spent together in the coming year. 

Keep it personal, (i.e., tea or coffee date, ice skating date, a picnic date, a baking date, going for a bike ride,  a round of golf, etc.… something you know the person would enjoy doing with you). 

I promise no amount of money spent will outdo the attentive time showered on the people you hold important.

These moments will be remembered for a lifetime, whereas the expensive gifts that put you in debt will be forgotten long before you have paid off your credit cards.

If nothing else, the last two years of craziness has clearly emphasized the importance of our connections with our family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and even strangers.

Life is beautiful.

How will you share this beauty with the ones you love during this HOLIDAY SEASON?


Cool Resource

I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.  ~ Charles Dickens

I am so blessed.  Mike Van Pelt of Trueman Podcast invited me to be a guest on his show.  We dived into how to survive the stress of the holidays.  Click on a link below to read Mike's blog and to listen to the interview:


Or, if you prefer to use Apple or YouTube to have a listen:

Apple - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/true-man-podcast/id1569221755?i=1000544077317


YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7xLiUIJDxo


If the you are ready to significantly decrease overwhelm, increase your productivity and feel vitally alive again at work and home, maybe it's time to schedule a Time for the Things That Matter Most Strategy Session by clicking on the left link. 


Upcoming Events

Watch in your email for the invitations to join my weekly guided meditations provided via Zoom.  If you are unable to attend the meditations live, the meditations are also recorded.

Dec   6, 2021 01:00 PM
Dec 13, 2021 01:00 PM
Dec 20, 2021 01:00 PM
Dec 27, 2021 01:00 PM
Jan    3, 2022 01:00 PM


Connect With Me

I would love to hear how this newsletter has been helpful to you.  Please feel free to respond with your comments or any questions you may have.  Also let me know if there is a topic you like more information on in future issues. 

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MelissaFairchild.LCSW
Website: https://melissafairchild.coachesconsole.com/
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Our Vision: To help people to become Extraordinary Leaders by significantly reducing stress and overwhelm so that they are focused, energized and reinvigorated at work and home.

Why We Do What We Do...

"Extraordinary Leadership" is about learning to live fully, instead of focusing all your time on meeting the next deadline.  It’s about making room for life, which is meant to be lived joyfully.  We guide and support you through this simple, yet powerful, process.